
ancient near east

oriental institute

univ of chicago

ugaritic bibliography

speak akkadian

site with akkaidan audio

more bibliography

denver journal

annotated OT bibliography

uchicago ANE archives

(research catalog)

univ of innsbruck catalog

(excellent research too)

westminster theol sem research links

gath-hepher, home of prophet jonah

TEDS Library

find books or online articles at TEDS library and iShare

ecole biblique library, jerusalem

search this comprehensive catalogue by author, title, biblical passage. it includes individual book chapters!

For students:

1- Find references at ecole biblique website: click on box 1 below or here

2- Conduct research at TEDS library and online: click on box 2 below or here

3- Explore more resources at the links in boxes 3 and 4





at ain dara temple, syria

context resources

aggregated at