mt olives looking east from the golden gate

• how to think like shakespeare (scott newstock).

  a brilliant piece about integrative thinking, the humanties,

  and current challenges in academe; many implications for

  biblical studies and how we study texts.  click here for link

• exegesis vs. "reading language fluently" (daniel streett).

  great piece that critiques conventional exegesis and

  advocates true, rich reading of texts. click here for link

• check out the inspiring reading of the

   bible by david suchet at

   click here for link

just for fun, watch the calf!

1993 calf interview israel tv

click on box to watch video

• more often material progress masks social

  regression, as we can do more bad things

  more impressively and more quickly than

  ever before — and then seek more

  sophisticated and contextualized

  exemptions.   - Victor Davis Hanson

lecture on context of scripture

• the corruption of biblical studies

  a must-read for anyone in the field of

  biblical studies or heading that way!

  Joshua Berman piece. click here for link

• land-israel-jewish people-christians-theology

mcdermott books

fresh theological look at israel

barry horner books

new insight on israel, bible, church

• news and views from bible lands

   tod bolen,  click here

• for appointments, use "teach" tab above

shepherd encounter, wilderness of judah

click the picture to view the video

• below are some thoughts and links on

  language, bible etc.

biblical backgrounds

learn land and Bible




• Gospels Acts History

• Learn Acts and the Apostles through Maps

• Learn the Land through Maps

• Life on the Land